Prenatal & Postpartum Offerings

For a Mother-to-be

Nothing could have prepared your heart to open like this. From beyond the skies and stars This echo arrived inside you And started to pulse with life, Each beat a tiny act of growth, Traversing all our ancient shapes On its way home to itself… May the emerging spirit of your child Imbibe encouragement and joy From the continuous music of your heart, So that it can grow with ease, Expectant of wonder and welcome When its form is fully filled And it makes its journey out To see you and settle at last Relieved, and glad in your arms. - John O’Donohue

Planning for the Fourth Trimester Class

Postpartum care is a necessity, not a luxury for mothers, babies and families to thrive. We will be preparing and learning about foundational practices to help with healing your body, mind and spirit during postpartum time. It is vital to organize support and care to nourish you and your baby. We will go over the pillars of postpartum care: an extended resting period, warm and nutrient dense foods, bodywork, warmth and community. There is a wealth of information in these classes!

Here is a link with more information:

$297 for parents to attend, and $45 for each additional person

Belly Binding

Offering to assist with binding your belly, this ancient practice supports your womb, encourages healing process, helps with re-allignment of organs, improves digestion + elimination, relieves water retention, helps circulation, calms nervous system and helps with relaxin in your body. This practice will not heal diastasis recti, but has numerous benefits.

Family Boundary Setting

Becoming a mother may allow you to step into a new place of power. It’s often helpful to think through family boundary setting as your role and relationships change with the different families in your life.


Vaginal Steams & Sitz Baths

Vaginal steaming has so many benefits including: cleansing the uterine wall, helping the uterus return to normal size, creating warmth and oxytocin, softening tissue, relaxation, increasing blood flow, supporting lymph flow to pelvic area, toning and releasing emotions to name a few. Sitz Baths are also very helpful with blood circulation, repairing tissue and reducing inflammation.

Moxa Treatment

Another ancient practice of using mugwort to tone the spleen, abdomen, uterus and Qi, helps with ligaments, moves blood and helps organs get back to pre-pregnancy positioning. This practice assists with closing of the pelvis after birth. This is also a practice that can produce smoke, but there are alternative ways to benefit from mugwort as well.

Birth Altars

Consciously creating a space and altar for the period of transition- when a mother is in labor, during birth, and as she moves into the postpartum period. I like to think of this as a sacred welcome to the little spirit that is coming into this world, an intentional creation and acknowledgement that helps become a focal point of grounding as the portal of birth awakens, opens and closes.


Food as Medicine

Choose from a menu of soups, broths, main courses, snacks, milk teas, herbal infusions & desserts. How we eat during postpartum can help heal our bodies or increase the amount of work that our bodies have to do. Having nutrient dense meals and herbal allies at your side can help make things a bit easier while trying to juggle so much. It is also a direct benefit to the baby if breastfeeding from all of the vitamins and nutrients they will receive.

Castor Oil Packs

This practice is potent in anti-inflammatory properties. The castor oil is deep penetrating and breaks up scar tissue and adhesions, can be relaxing and reduce pain.


Light Touch

Based on principles of Abhyanga, this practice carries a lot of healing and nourishment for the body with the use of sesame oil and warmth, there are numerous benefits for the body.


Processing Your Birth Story

A lot can happen during the time of labor, birthing and early postpartum periods. I am here to witness and hold you with retelling your story, to listen to all of your emotional experience and reflect it back to you to ease the integration.

Finding Your Community

Having resources and community during this time is essential. We will work together to find which ways are best for you to connect and feel more supported on your journey.


Rebozo Closing of The Bones

a widely practiced and openly shared ancestral tradition of bringing the mother’s spirit and body back into this world. To ground and close the birthing portal which is the mother’s body. More info below.

See more about this practice here

  • Monetary exchange for services

  • 3 hour session $165

    We begin each session by checking in about how things are in that moment for your body, mind, emotions, spirit and support. From there, our work could be any arrangement of services depending on your needs

  • Rebozo Ceremony $145

    This will take from 2-3 hours and includes an herbal bath, Abhyanga massage and closing of the bones where I will wrap you with rebozo shawls which are traditionally used after a mother has walked through opening her body to allow a spirit to be birthed- this practice especially helps bring the mother back together energetically, physically and spiritually
